Bring Families Together by Cooking Our Recipe Box Meal at Your Home

Every year, thousands of tonnes of good eatable food are wasted by the food industry in UK. While At the same time, millions of people are struggling for food to eat. Now it’s time for redistributing food industry surplus, which would otherwise go to waste, to the people who need it most. Some facts and figures are given below on food wastage and hunger in the UK.

  •  Around 8.7 million people in the UK are struggling to afford eatable food.
  • All most 1.9 million Tonnes of food is wasted every year in the UK
  • By the food industry.
  • Near About 250,000 tonnes of the food that goes to waste each year in the UK is still edible.
  • UN Statics also show that 5.6% of the UK people aged 15 or over are struggling to get enough food.

We can solve this hunger problem of the UK by minimizing food wastage and proper redistribution of surplus food. Here Khuraaki comes into the picture to solve this problem.

What Khuraaki do?

Khuraaki provides Food Recipe Delivery Services in all over UK, it doesn’t matter where you are living in UK, you can easily experience the quality of our Healthy Food Delivery Box at your home. Our goal is to cut down eatable food wastage to zero. It is not an easy task, but our company believes that by providing an appropriate recipe box in every order, with the exact ingredients in the box we can tackle eatable food wastage and be one step further in achieving our zero waste goal.

Khuraaki is a unique online platform for fresh ingredients, halal meat and recipe ideas. We package and deliver the Healthy Food Delivery Box of halal recipe meal to your home within the fixed time bound.

Khuraaki Recipe Box
Khuraaki recipe boxes are perfectly packed with the 100% fresh Halal ingredients straight from the source to your door. We are responsible for making this journey hassle free by allowing us to deliver your chosen meals for the week and save your valuable time. Our aim is to provide you a variety of different and 100% fresh Food Recipe Delivery Services which will be updated on a weekly basis and it will be delivered at your home in the fixed time bound.

What’s inside Khuraaki Box

Khuraaki is providing Healthy Food Delivery Box to our customers in all over UK. but if you are living in any part of UK and till now you didn’t tried Khuraaki’s Healthy Food Delivery Box , then you are missing quality food, Immediately try it once . Following items are in every Khuraaki boxes.
·        Precisely measured ingredients
·        A Variety of recipes chosen by customers
·        Step by step recipe making instructions
·        Freshly sourced produce

Our Process - Your Choice

In our recipe box, we supply 100% locally fresh reared halal meat, Vegetables etc... All the vegetables we use in our recipe box are also grown locally within the UK. Our Food Recipe Delivery Services are very quick and reliable to serve your order in fixed time. We follow following steps to process your orders…
           Your Pick / Selection

Choose delicious food items from our online portal. Healthy recipes each week as per your food interest.

·        We Source & Deliver

We will source 100% fresh items, pick and pack your box and deliver it to you within the fixed time bound.

·        You get Cooking

We will provide step by step recipe making instruction simply cook, serve and enjoy within 30 minutes

How to Order Khuraaki Healthy Food Delivery Box

It’s very Quick and easy way to take Khuraaki’s Food Recipe Delivery Services.

  •   Fill the form and submit it, then subscribe to Khuraaki.
  •   Are you subscribed? Yes.. Now you can start selecting the recipes which you like from our recipe section.
  • Select the recipes which you like one week before you want to receive them. While selecting recipes, mention the serving sizes you want from us.
  • It’s full flexibility here… You can make changes in your choices, finalize or cancel them until 12 pm on Saturdays the week before you want to receive your orders. Please make sure that, orders cancelled after this time deadline will be charged as specified.
  • Khuraaki’s recipe boxes start at just £4 a meal*!
  • Once you choose your interested recipes, we package it perfectly and deliver the ingredients for those recipes every Tuesday.
  • Khuraaki provide full flexibility for you to change your preferences or skip a delivery by clicking on "My Orders" Changes are only applicable to boxes not yet selected.
  • Khuraaki recipe boxes are full of fresh and 100% halal ingredients are delivered to you every week on Tuesdays.
  • Khuraaki provides step by step recipe making instructions in every Recipe Box, open the box and start cooking delicious and healthy meals at your home.
Flexibility –  No Commitment
Khuraaki offers you weekly recipe box with full flexibility. There is no any commitment, choosing to add Khuraaki in your lifestyle is simple as we give our customers the full flexibility. What you can:
·        Skip

Customer can skip their weekly fixed previous Recipe Box plans.

·        Pause 

If you are out of home or city… then don’t worry, you can easily pause your current recipe box until you return back to your home.

·        Cancel

You can easily cancel your current recipe box service or plans

Our Social Responsibility

As a responsible company, it’s our responsibility to give back to our community, whatever we can do to end this hunger problem of UK. According to the United Nations Statics, there are more than eight million people in Britain are living in food poverty. Approx. 8.7 million children in England are going to bed hungry each night, it’s happening... just because their parents are unable to provide meals for their families.

Therefore to solve this problem, Khuraaki is committed to make sure no any child sleep hungry, for this we are giving 10% of profits each year to local community charities that help tackle hunger.


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